Yoga Poses - Intense Side Stretch Pose

Today, we will share the benefits of intense side stretch pose, practice step,precautions. How to practice with auxiliaries.

Anatomical position map

Intense side stretch pose can strongly stretch the thigh muscles, calf back muscles,gastrocnemius(calf behind the large muscles) and  soleus muscle(gastrocnemius below the flat calf muscles)

The benefits of Intense Side Stretch Pose

Practice this pose can help ease the legs and buttocks muscle tension and stiffness, so that the hip and vertebrae more flexible. Adbominal organs to be contraction and strengthening, to correct the shoulder sag.Provide more blood for head, and help deep breathing and sober brain.

Practice steps of Intense Side Stretch Pose

1.Mountain stand. Feet apart the length of a leg, left foot buckle 60 degrees, right foot outward 90 degrees, straight legs
2. Let the left hip forward, right hip back, hip straight. Inhale, chest up, keep the trunk extended. Breath, body forward and down.

3. At this stage to find the foundation of the stability of the rear thigh activation tightened, chest forward, sciatic bone back, so that the trunk stretch, while the right hip.
4. Inhale, chest forward. Breath, trunk forward and down, looking for the abdomen to the abdomen. Hands were placed on both sides of the right foot on the ground.
5. The torso rests on the thigh. Keep for 15 to 30 seconds, breathe normally while maintaining torso extension.
6. Outward style, with the breath, left leg forward into the flexion extension. Breathe back to the mountain, for the left side.

Tips for practice Intense Side Stretch Pose

1. From the location of the groin began to fold, pay attention to the lower abdomen to protect the lumbar spine.
2. The inside of the front foot rooted, start the front side of the thigh, to avoid the pressure on the front knee.
3. Take the right hip to push back, left hip forward.
4. keep the rear thigh to activate the tightening, heel down rooted.

Auxiliary practice methods
When the back of the legs tight, resulting in the body after the bow, you can choose yoga brick as a supplement. Put the brick under the shoulders, hand on the brick, the forward pelvic, chest forward, trunk extension, so that the back of the legs to be stretched.

1. The knee remains straight and the weight is placed between the feet.
2. Must extend the spine and then down the body in turn, the neck elongated, fully open the shoulder.
3. Hypertension, heart disease, vertigo, pregnant women do this exercise, you can try to stay in the first three steps to practice, do not oppress the abdomen.
4. When back to normal, because the head down, as slow as possible, so that the chest with the body up to avoid dizziness.


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